《PERL语言入门(影印版 第7版 英文版)》被整整两代Perl用户昵称为“小骆驼书”,《PERL语言入门(影印版 第7版 英文版)》根据作者从1991年开始的教学经验积累汇聚而成,多年来十分畅销。此次第7版涵盖了新Perl5.24版本的变化。
《PERL语言入门(影印版 第7版 英文版)》从*基础的开始,然后逐渐深入,让你慢慢能够自行编写多至128行的程序——如今90%的Perl程序差不多都是这般大小。
《PERL语言入门(影印版 第7版 英文版)》每章都包含若干习题,帮助你巩固消化刚学到的知识。也许其他书籍只是想着灌输Perl编程的条条框框,但《PERL语言入门(影印版 第7版 英文版)》不同,我们希望把你培养成一名真正的Perl程序员。
1. Introduction
Questions and Answers
Is This the Right Book for You?
Why Are There So Many Footnotes?
What About the Exercises and Their Answers?
What Do Those Numbers Mean at the Start'of the Exercise?
What If I'm a Perl Course Instructor?
What Does "Perl" Stand For?
Why Did Larry Create Perl?
Why Didn't Larry Just Use Some Other Language?
Is Perl Easy or Hard?
How Did Perl Get to Be So Popular?
What's Happening with Perl Now?
What's Perl Really Good For?
What Is Perl Not Good For?
How Can I Get Perl?
What Is CPAN?
How Can I Get Support for Perl?
Are There Any Other Kinds of Support?
What If I Find a Bug in Perl?
How Do I Make a Perl Program?
A Simple Program
What's Inside That Program?
How Do I Compile My Perl Program?
A Whirlwind Tour of Perl
2. Scalar Data
All Numbers Have the Same Format Internally
Integer Literals
Nondecimal Integer Literals
Floating-Point Literals
Numeric Operators
Single-Quoted String Literals
Double-Quoted String Literals
String Operators
Automatic Conversion Between Numbers and Strings
Perl's Built-In Warnings
Interpreting Nondecimal Numerals
Scalar Variables
Choosing Good Variable Names
Scalar Assignment
Compound Assignment Operators
Output with print
Interpolation of Scalar Variables into Strings
Creating Characters by Code Point
Operator Precedence and Associativity
Comparison Operators
The if Control Structure
Boolean Values
Getting User Input
The chomp Operator
The while Control Structure
The undef Value
The defined Function
3. Lists and Arrays
Accessing Elements of an Array
Special Array Indices
List Literals
The qw Shortcut
List Assignment
The pop and push Operators
The shift and unshift Operators
The splice Operator
Interpolating Arrays into Strings
The foreach Control Structure
Perrs Favorite Default
4. Subroutines
5. Input and Output
6. Hashes
7. Regular Expressions
8. Matching With Regular Expressions
9. Processing Text With Regular Expressions
10. More Control Structures
11. Peri Modules
12. File Tests
13. Directory Operations
14. Strings and Sorting
15. Process Management
16. Some Advanced Peri Techniques
A. Exercise Answers
B. Beyond the Llama
C. A Unicode Primer
D. Experimental Features