土地利用碳排放核定方法与案例分析(英文版)(Land-use change, land-use management and greenhouse gas emissions)
定 价:198 元
- 作者:Heli Lu[著]
- 出版时间:2016/12/1
- ISBN:9787030503596
- 出 版 社:科学出版社
- 中图法分类:F321.1
- 页码:xi, 139页
- 纸张:胶纸版
- 版次:1
- 开本:16K
Land uses in Henan Province have undergone tremendous changes under the multiple pressures of regional development. Conversion of land use pattems include urban expansion,rapid increase in construction lands, conversion ofwoodlands to farmlands and other uses, and ecological projects to restore farmlands to woodlands and grasslands. How has the carbon stock of regional terrestrial ecosystems been affected by such land use changes, especially deforestation and afforestation activities? Are the effects that of carbon sources or pools? How has the spatial and temporal patterns of the carbon budget changed? What are the future scenarios for carbon emission under different land use pattems? How can the limited land resources within a region be used and developed rationally while taking into account regional ecological and environmental protection areas and through regulation of an optimized land use structure, so as to achieve carbon balance within the terrestrial ecosystems? These scientific issues are worthy of concem, yet to be solved, and the main reasons for the writing of this book.
First, the book reviews the theories and methodologies for carbon appraisal ofland uses,especially the most recent information and research findings on regional carbon cycles. Henan,China's most populous and major agricultural province, is selected as the study area.The methodological framework under IPCC's Guidelines for Inventories on Greenhouse Gases is then combined with actual situations in the province for an evaluation of the carbon effect arising from afforestation, deforestation, and other land use changes within the province in recent years. Next, the carbon sequestration capacity of the terrestrial ecosystems witlun the study area is examined, as well as impacts on the spatial pattems of carbon sources and pools within the ecosystems. Keeping in mind sustainable development while tapping regional land resources, and using the perspective of land use planning and management, the study's findings are then used as the basis to investigate regulatory measures for carbon emission arising from land use/cover changes.
This book could not have been completed and published without the direct solicitude of Wang Zheng, Chief Scientist of Program 973. I had also received support and guidance from Professor Qin Yaochen of Henan University during the writing process. I am grateful to my mentor and academician Sun Jiulin for his meticulous guidance academically and for leading me into the scientific realm. I would also like to express my appreciation to my colleagues from the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Science: doctoral tutor Shao Quanqin and researchers Liu Jiyuan and Fan Jiangwen.
Series Foreword
Book Foreword
Theoretical Section
Chapter 1 Introduction 3
1.1 Background and significance 3
1.1.1 Greenhouse gases and their impact on global climate change 3
1.1.2 The Kyoto Protocol and obligations undertaken by China 6
1.2 Overview of research on appraising carbon pools of terrestrial ecosystems 8
1.2.1 Research contents on appraising carbon pools of terrestrial ecosystems 8
1.2.2 Research methods on appraising carbon pools of terrestrial ecosystems 12
Chapter 2 Methods for Appraising Carbon Budget of Land Uses 25
2.1 IPCC’s methodological framework 25
2.1.1 Three levels 25
2.1.2 Two approaches 26
2.1.3 Categorization of carbon pools 26
2.1.4 Land use data 28
2.1.5 Equations and parameters 31
2.2 Land use/cover classification and conversion 40
2.3 Appraisal of carbon budget based on IPCC’s methodological framework 43
2.3.1 Calculations for carbon appraisal 43
2.3.2 Application of methods 44
Chapter 3 Data and Parameters for Appraising Carbon Budget Arising from Land Uses 48
3.1 Data on land use/cover 48
3.2 Parameter data 52
3.2.1 BEF parameters 53
3.2.2 Carbon densities 67
3.2.3 Management factors for farmlands 72
3.2.4 Management factors for grasslands 74
3.2.5 Soil organic carbon conversion factors 74
3.3 Discussion 76
Practical Section
Chapter 4 Land Use Changes in Henan Province 80
4.1 Background and significance 81
4.1.1 Background 81
4.1.2 Significance 82
4.2 Research status and development trends in China and overseas 83
4.3 Overview of study area 86
4.4 Remote sensing data for land uses in Henan Province 88
4.4.1 Determination of criteria for land use classification 88
4.4.2 Acquisition of land use/cover data for the 1980s–2000 89
4.4.3 Acquisition of land use/cover data for 2000–2010 89
4.5 LUCCs for Henan Province 93
4.5.1 Methodology 93
4.5.2 LUCCs in the 1980s–2000 94
4.5.3 LUCCs in the 2000–2010 101
Chapter 5 Appraisal of Carbon Budget for Land Uses in Henan Province 113
5.1 Appraisal method for carbon budget of land uses 113
5.2 Data sources 113
5.3 Appraisal of carbon budget for land uses in the 1980s–2000 113
5.4 Appraisal of carbon budget for land uses in 2000–2010 115
5.4.1 Zhengzhou City: Analysis of carbon pool changes and current status 115
5.4.2 Luoyang City: Analysis of carbon pool changes and current status 117
Chapter 6 Simulation of Carbon Emission Scenarios for Land Uses in Henan Province 119
6.1 Methodology 120
6.1.1 Simulation of land use structure 120
6.1.2 Appraisal of carbon emission for land uses 121
6.2 Analysis of findings 122
6.2.1 LUCCs 122
6.2.2 Simulation of LUCCs 123
6.2.3 Carbon emission arising from LUCCs 123
6.3 Summary 123
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Discussions 125
7.1 Discover land use potential of the inner city, and make effective use of multi-dimensional spaces 126
7.2 Strengthen remediation of rural lands, and have proper conversion of rural residential lands for other uses 126
7.3 Emphasize optimization and regulation of land use structure for urban fringe areas 127
7.4 Consolidate achievements of afforestation and farmlands being returned to woodlands, and strengthen operation and management of existing woodlands 128
7.4.1 Strengthen management and protection of woodlands 129
7.4.2 Implement proper revegetation and reforestation programs, and transformation of low-quality and ineffective woodlands 129
References 131