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《新闻英语阅读与翻译》包括新闻英语阅读与翻译两部分内容。Units 1-7讲阅读,按照新闻简讯、新闻报道、新闻评论、新闻特写、解释性报道、调查性报道、综合性报道不同体裁编写。每个单元有语体介绍、例文分析、原文阅读、能力培养四项内容。Units 8-16讲翻译,包括标题的翻译、导语的翻译、专有名词的翻译、抽象名词的翻译、比较句式的翻译、暗否定结构的翻译、四字词组翻译法、引申翻译法、长句的翻译。每个单元有概述、翻译实例(每单元名称不同)、练习三项内容。
“语体介绍”主要讲解同一类体裁文章的写作特点和篇章结构。“例文分析”给出一篇这类体裁的典型文章,然后运用篇章宏观结构理论分析文章的结构和语义表达方式,以提高学生分析新闻篇章结构、理解新闻内容的水平。“原文阅读”提供了四篇同类体裁的文章,供读者阅读理解。为了减少读者的阅读困难,每篇文章后面附有注释和生词表。此外,每篇文章的后面还给出了三至五道阅读理解题,以便读者检查自己对文章内容和结构的理解程度。“能力培养”提供了两篇阅读填空的文章,各含有10个空格。前一篇文章没有选词范围,要求读者根据上下文填人自己认为合适的单词或所给单词的适当形式。后一篇文章要求读者从所提供的11个单词中选出10个填人文章里的空格。“能力培养”部分的文章均选自最近的英美报刊,以便学生熟悉当代英美报刊的特点。 翻译部分共有九个单元:标题的翻译、导语的翻译、专有名词的翻译、抽象名词的翻译、比较句式的翻译、暗否定结构的翻译、四字词组翻译法、引申翻译法、长句的翻译。每个单元含有概述、翻译实例(每单元名称不同)和练习三项内容。“概述”是理论介绍,让学生对本单元的翻译技巧有一个感性的认识;“翻译实例”是具体操作,通过句子的具体翻译,让学生掌握这种翻译技巧;“练习”是课后作业,让学生通过完成作业巩固本单元所学的翻译技巧。书中绝大部分例句的中文翻译都是主编自己完成的,不妥之处欢迎指正。 本教材以新闻英语的不同体裁为主线,选择文章时没有一味地强调内容“最新”。所以个别文章是选自20世纪80年代或90年代的英美报刊,但这些文章文字优美、内容健康、结构完整、具有学生需要掌握的新闻英语体裁的代表性。我们知道,英美报刊文章的内容题材是无限的,但是文章的体裁结构是有限的。学生只要掌握了不同体裁文章的篇章结构,就可以从宏观上理解不同题材文章的内容。这正是本书按照不同体裁编写的根本目的。 本教材阅读部分的词汇表由陈丽莉老师编写,“能力培养”部分由贾从永老师编写,其余部分由郭影平老师编写。本教材的初稿写于2005年。十多年来,讲义一直在上海理工大学用作非英语专业学生的公选课教材,但是选修这门课的英语专业学生和日语专业学生也很多,足见这门课程受学生欢迎的程度。主编每年都会根据教学情况和学生的反馈意见对讲义进行修改、补充、完善,至今已数易其稿。 在本教材的编写过程中,编者吸收了解放军国际关系学院端木义万、复旦大学何刚强、上海外国语大学张健等教授的研究成果,参考了国内外大量辞书和教材(详见书后“参考书目”),在此特向三位教授及参考书的作者致以诚挚的谢意。 上海理工大学外语学院的刘芹院长和陈琦副院长对教材的编著给予热情鼓励,大学英语教研室的顾定兰主任和很多同事也给予大力支持。此外,本教材的出版还得到了上海理工大学“精品本科”系列教材项目的资金支助。在此编者向他们表示衷心的感谢。 中国矿业大学的赵虹教授自始至终都对本教材的编写和出版给予高度关注和大力帮助;上海交通大学出版社教材分社臧燕阳编审为本教材的出版付出了辛勤劳动。在此对他们表示深深的感谢。 由于时间和水平有限,教材中肯定会有疏漏和错误之处,恳请专家、师生和其他读者批评指正。
Section 1 Journalistic English Reading新闻英语阅读
Unit 1 News Brief新闻简讯 I.Introduction语体介绍 II.Case Study例文分析 III.Original Reading原文阅读 Text A Obama Makes Surprise Visit to Iraq Text B Henry Kissinger Is Released from Hospital in South Korea Text C China:Drought Leaves 14 Million Chinese and Farmland Parched Text D ABriefwithout aTitle IV.Developing Your ReadingAbility能力培养 Unit 2 News Report新闻报道 I.Introduction语体介绍 II.Case Study例文分析 III.Original Reading原文阅读 Text A Islamic State Attack Kills 23 Iraqi Troops.Sunni Fighters Text B Climate Change to Result in Less Nutritional Food,Report Says Text C Benazir Bhutto Assassinated Text D China's Ancient Buddhist Grottoes Face a New Threat-Tourists IV.DevelopingYourReadingAbility能力培养 Unit 3 Opinions新闻评论 I.Introduction语体介绍 II.Case Study例文分析 III.Original Reading原文阅读 Text A Chinese View ofConditions in Tibet Text B Our Opportunity with India Text C China Plays Increasingly Important Role on World Stage Text D Recovery Rides on the"G-2" IV.Developing Your ReadingAbility能力培养 Unit 4 Feature新闻特写 I.Introduction语体介绍 II.Case Study例文分析 111.Original Reading原文阅读 Text A A Life Reflecting Her Country's Contradictions Text B Leaving Baghdad Text C NAT0 Plus Three Text D Mothers Press Issues of War That Lebanese Want to Forget IV.Developing Your ReadingAbility能力培养 Unit 5 Interpretative Report解释性报道 I.Introduction语体介绍 II.Case Study例文分析 III.Original Reading原文阅读 Text A Battle ofthe Binge Text B China Passes Japan as Second-Largest Economy Text C Suicide Bombs Potent Tools ofTerrorists f11 Text D Suicide Bombs Potent Tools ofTerrorists f21 IV.DevelopingYourReadingAbility能力培养 Unit 6 Investigative Report调查性报道 I.Introduction语体介绍 II.Case Study例文分析 III.Original Reading原文阅读 Text A CovertCIAProgramWithstandsNewFuror Text B Lawmaker Paid by 2 Schools for the Same Work Text C Courting Ex-Officers Tied to Military Contractors(1) Text D Courting Ex-Officers Tied to Military Contractors(2) IV.DevelopingYourReadingAbility能力培养 Unit 7 Roundups综合性报道 I.Introduction语体介绍 II.Case Study例文分析 III.Original Reading原文阅读 Text A Haiti Earthquake of 2010 Text B ADay ofTerror:11:30 a.m.Sept.11.2001 Recap Text C America Marks a GrimAnniversary Text D A Legacy ofPain and Pride IV.DevelopingYourReadingAbility能力培养 Section 2 Journalistic English Translation新闻英语翻译 Unit 8 Translation of News Headline标题的翻译 I.Introduction概述 II.Translation Skill翻译方法 III.Practice练习 Unit 9 Translation of News Lead导语的翻译 I.Introduction概述 II.Classification and Translation Skill导语的分类与翻译方法 III.Practice练习 Unit 10 Translation of Proper Nouns专有名词的翻译 I.Introduction概述 II.Translation Skill翻译方法 III.Practice练习 Unit 11 Translation of Abstract Nouns抽象名词的翻译 I.Introduction概述 II.Translation ofQualityNouns品质抽象名词的翻译 III.Translation ofActionNouns行为抽象名词的翻译 IV.Practice练习 Unit 12 Translation of Comparative Structures比较句式的翻译 I.Introduction概述 II.Substitution for Different Comparative Structures比较句式的互换 III.Special Usage of Comparative Structures比较句式的特殊用法 IV.Practice练习 Unit 13 Translation of Implied Negation暗否定句的翻译 I.Introduction概述 II.Phrase-level Implied Negation短语层面的暗否定 III.Sentence-level Implied Negation句子层面的暗否定 IV.Practice练习 Unit 14 Translation by Four-Character Phrase四字词组翻译法 I.Introduction概述 II.Translation Skill翻译方法 III.Practice练习 Unit 15 Translation by Connotation引申翻译法 I.Introduction概述 II.Way ofConnotation词义引申的方式 Ili.Unit ofConnotation词义引申的单位 IV.Practice练习 Unit 16 Translation of Long Sentences长句的翻译 I.Introduction概述 II.Translation Skill翻译方法 III.Practice练习 References参考书目
(1) With her luminous eyes and strong features framed by a fiowing white head scarf, Benazir Bhutto was the face of Pakistan's democratic hopes-a face that had been thrust into the limelight with the execution of her father in 1979 and that remained there, aging gracefully, until her assassination in Pakistan on Thursday. (2) Bhutto, 54, was a charismatic but controversial political leader whose highly magnified life was marked by vertiginous twists of fate _ family tragedies, political triumphs and defeats, accusations of corruption and autocracy-that often led to comparisons with the Kennedy clan in the United States and the Gandhi-Nehru dynasty oflndia. (3) Following in the footsteps of her father, Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, she was twice chosen as Pakistan's Prime Minister in the late 1980s and the 1990s, but was also twice driven from office amid charges of corruption and incompetence. This winter, after years of self-imposed exile, Bhutto was attempting to stage a high-risk political comeback that could have led to a third term as premier in elections next month, (4) Instead, Bhutto's slaying, which occurred at the site where Pakistan's first Prime Minister, Liaquat Ali Khan, was gunned down in 1951, seemed destined to plunge her fragile homeland into political free fall, vulnerable both to the predations of increasingly violent Islamic extremist forces and to the resulting temptations of military control. (5) Benazir Bhutto was a woman of many contradictions. Her complex personality and tumultuous career reflected the deep social schisms and paralyzing political power struggles of the vast, impoverished country she briefiy governed and long represented as a fiawed but passionate advocate for change. (6) She was born June 21, 1953, into a life of feudal privilege and wealth in a highly stratified society, then sent to boarding schools and on European vacations in sports cars while millions of her illiterate countrymen toiled in brick kilns and wheat fields for pennies a day. Yet she went on to become a champion of popular democracy who headed her country's closest equivalent to a sec ular Western movement, the Pakistan People's Party. (7) Bhutto, nicknamed "Pinkie" for her rosy complexion, was a graduate of Radcliffe College and Oxford University who spoke cultured English and moved easily through the drawing rooms of London and Georgetown. Yet she also submitted to a traditional arranged marriage and, while speaking up for the rights of women in Muslim societies, was always careful to publicly observe the stylistic dictates of her religion. (8) Bhutto broke with family tradition by not covering her face with a veil in public. Instead, her white head scarf, known as a dupatta, became her political trademark-a symbolic bridge between tradition and modernity. She was often shown in photographs adjusting the scarf modestly over her hair as she delivered ringing, impassioned speeches on foreign policy or economic reform. 9) She was a highly disciplined and wily politician who kept a grip on her party, remaining its lifelong president and making all its decisions, even during her long exile in London and Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Despite her cult status as a democratic leader, she flirted opportunistically with military power-sharing and attempted rapprochement with Afghanistan's Islamic Taliban rulers when it seemed expedient. (10) Above all, she was her father's daughter, inspired by his stories of Napoleon, Abraham Lincoln and Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and raised with foreign democratic leaders at the dinner table. Then in 1977, a military coup plucked Pinkie from carefree college life. Her father was thrown into prison, tried on dubious charges of corruption and murder conspiracy and finally hanged in 1979 on orders from Pakistan's dictator, Gen. Mohammed Zia ul-Haq. (11) In an autobiography, Daughter of Destiny, Bhutto described in revealing detail her youthful visits to her father in prison, especially her memories of his dignity and determination under squalid, humiliating conditions and in the face of death. His own autobiography, written from prison, was titled If I Am Assassinated. (12) Later, Bhutto faced her own ordeal of house arrest, prison and exile, but she emerged toughened and determined to carry on her father's legacy as a secular reformer. It was a goal she pursued, with deviations into unsavory political intrigue and the temptations of personal power, for the rest of her life. ……