Chapter 1 VectorAnalysis
1-3 Scalar and vector products
1-5 Flux,divergence and divergence theorem
1-6 Circulation,curl and curl theorem
1-7 Solenoidal and irrotational fields
1-9 Uniqueness theorem for vector fields
1-11 0rthogonal curvilinear coordinates
Review questions
Chapter 2 Static Electric Fields
2-1 Electric fieldintensity
2-2 Electrostatic fields in vacuum
2-4 Polarization of dielectrics
2-5 Electrostatic fields in dielectric
2-6 Boundary conditions for electrostatic fields
2-8 Energy in electrostatic field
2-10 Applications of electrostatic fields
Chapter 3 Boundary-Value Problems in Electrostatic Fields
Chapter 4 Steady Electric Current Fields
Chapter 5 Static Magnetic Fields
Chapter 6 Electromagnetic Induction
Chapter 7 Time-varying Electromagnetic Fields
Chapter 8 Plane Electromagnetic Waves
Chapter 9 Guided Electromagnetic Waves
Chapter 10 Electromagnetic Radiation and Principles
It has been mentioned in the preface that an electromagnetic field is a vectorfield.Accordingly,vector analysis is one of the basic mathematical tools for studyingthe properties of electromagnetic fields. A concise account of the relevant subjects invector analysis will be given in this chapter,beginning with the definition of a vector,vector algebra,and vector calculus in the rectangular coordinate system.This is fol-lowed by the derivation of the representations of a vector and vector operators in thecylindrical and spherical coordinates,based on coordinate transformations.Beyondthis,a number of important theorems,namely the divergence theorem,the curl theo-rem,Green's theorem,the uniqueness theorem,and Helmhaltz's theorem are elabo-rated in this chapter as well.
1-1 Scalars and vectors
A quantity is called a scalar if it has only magnitude. Length,area,vol-ume,temperature,atmospheric pressure,density,energy,and electric potential areexamples of scalars. A quantity is called a vector if it has both magnitude anddirection.Force,displacement,velocity,acceleration,electric field intensity,andmagnetic field intensity are examples of vectors.In this book,vectors will be repre-sented by boldface italic types. The distribution of a quantity in space will consti-tute a field.Hence,there are scalar fields and vector fields,accounting for the spa-tial distributions of scalars and vectors,respectively.
A vector is geometrically described by a segment of a directed straight-line,asshown in Fig.1-1-1(a).The length of the segment stands for the magnitude of thevector,and its orientation gives the direction of the vector.