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第十一届世界矿山通风大会论文集(英文版) 读者对象:本书适用于采矿工程技术人员
Part I Vent System Optimization I Mobile Equipment Power Source--Impact on Ventilation Design 3 Chery Allen and Jozef Stachulak Pros and Cons of Primary Ventilation Systems and the Need for Critical Spares 17 Johannes Holzhausen Controlled Primary Ventilation Recirculation and Re-use with Reconditioning--A Strategy for Deep Mines 27 Leon van den Berg, Katie Manns, and Steven Bluhm Research on Ventilation Layout in Jet-Flow Gallery Ventilation System in a Twin-Tunnel Construction 42 Rong Liu, Liang Wang, Song Ren, and Zhen Zhang Influence of the Ratio of the Blowing and Sucking Flow on the Wall-Rotating Circulating Airflow in Fully Mechanized Excavation Face 49 Ronghua Liu, Yongjun Li, Pengfei Wang, Wei Shu, and Shangxu Gou Part I Vent System Optimization II Calculating Shock Losses in Mine Ventilation Networks 61 Mikhail Semin and Andrey Shalimov A Preliminary Experimental Investigation of the Airflow Resistance of an Evolving Cave in a Block/Panel Cave Mine 70 S Sreekumar Ajitha R.Bhargava, Y.Pan.A.Jha, P.Tukkaraja, K.Shahbazi, K.Katzenstein, and D.Loring An Investigation of the Elects of Particle Size, Porosity, and Cave Size on the Airflow Resistance of a Block/Panel Cave 82 Y.Pan, R.Bhargava, A.Jha, P.Tukkaraja, K.Shahbazi, K.Katzenstein, and D.Loring Selecting the Best Development Face Ventilation Scheme Using G1-Coefficient of Variation Method 92 Zhiyong Zhou, Mehmet Kizil, Zhongwei Chen, and Jianhong Chen Optimization of Ventilation System in Wongawilli Mining Face with a Continuous Miner 107 Tao Du Ventilation-on-Demand System in Pulang Copper Mine 116 Qifa Ge, Weigen Zhu, Weiguo Zhang, Qinggang Chen, and Zhuoming Yang Part Ill Mine Dusts and Control I Evaluation of Gravimetric Sampler Bias, Effect on Measured Concentration, and Proposal for the Use of Harmonised Performance Based Dust Sampler for Exposure Assessment 129 B.Belle Design of Auxiliary Ventilation System for Effective Dust Dispersion in Underground Coal Mine Development Heading-A Computational Simulation Approach 146 Devi Prasad Mishra, Aashish Sahu, and Durga Charan Panigrahi Coping with Diffuse Dust Emissions in Mining by Fibrous Filters with Trickling Water Cleaning 159 Federico Marangoni and Gemot Krammer Review of Real-Time Respirable Dust Survey Findings in Australian Coal Mines 172 Hsin Wei Wu and Stewart Gillies Explosive Testing of Rock Dust Dispersibility for Coal Dust Explosion Prevention 189 Jurgen F.Brune and Richard C.Gilmore CFD Modelling of Ventilation, Dust and Gas Flow Dispersion Patterns on a Longwall Face 198 Ting Ren and Zhongwei Wang Part Iv Minne Dusts and Control II Study of the Effect of Drilling Bite Depth and Bit Wear Condition on Drilling Specific Energy and Dust Generation During Bolt-Hole Drilling 211 Yi Luo, Hua Jiang, and Mingming Li Applications of Water Infusion for Dust Control in Underground Coal Mines-A Critical Review 219 Ting Ren, Jian Zhang, and Jianping Wei The Current State of Chinese Coal Mining Dust Hazard and Prevention 231 Xiaowei Zhai, Qinyuan Hou, Jinzi Han, and Jiaojiao Wang Numerical Study on Mine Dust Capture Using Nano-Droplet Flow from Wet Steam Condensation 241 Anwen Zhao, Song Guo, Shuxin Chen, Shang Gao, Xuebin Chen, and Chenchen Li Numerical Simulation of the Dust Movement Rule at a Fully Mechanized Mining Face in Liangshuijing Coal Mine 254 Jianguo Wang, Feiwen Qi, Yaru Zhe, and Yaping Zhang Part V Methane and Methane Control I New Method for Ventilation Methane Content Monitoring 269 Janusz Kruczkowski and Piotr Ostrogorski Model Experiment and Numerical Simulation for the Heading Face Methane Behavior 280 Masahiro Inoue.Bingrui Li and Takumi Hvoudou Methods of Methane Control in Polish Coal Mines 292 Nikodem Szlazak, Dariusz Obracaj, and Justyna Swolkien The Development of Coal Mine Drainage Monitoring System Based on DSP and PC 308 Xiaojuan Shi, Dalong Nie, and Gaoyang Wang Study on Online Detection Method of Methane Gas in Coal Mine Based on TDLAS Technology 318 Jun Deng, Weile Chen, Weifeng Wang Yuan He and Baolong Zhang Part VI Methane and Methane Control II Experimental and Simulation Investigation of Nz Enhanced Gas Drainage in Low Permeable Coal Seam 335 Jia Lin.Ting Run.Patrck Booth and Jan Nemeik Safe Extraction of Methane and Power Generation in a Gold Mine in South Africa 347 J.J.L du Plessis and M.van der Bank Leveraging Coal Mine Methane/Ventilation Air Methane for Improving Ventilation Standards in Indian Underground Coal Mines and to Reduce Its Carbon Footprints 355 Satish K.Sinha and D.C.Panigrahi Influence of Pressure Changes on Gas Distribution in Longwall Gobs 364 Stanislaw Wasilewski Using Stress Relief Ratio to Delineate Optimal Methane Drainage Zone in Longwall Goaf 374 Qingdong Qu, Hua Guo, and Andy Wilkins Theoretical Model for Micro-flow of Gas in Coal Mine goaf and the Influence of viscosity on Pressure Gradient 385 Wen Jiang, Shiqiang Chen, and Haiqiao Wang Part VIl Mine Explosion A Practical Comparison of Active and Passive Explosion Barrier 397 Arend Spaeth and Bharath Belle A Fundamental Study of High-Speed Methane-Air Deflagrations Across Simulated Gob Walls and Sphere Beds 410 Claire Strcbinger, Gregory Bogin, and Jurgen Brune The Research on Explosion Tendency Analysis Method for Sealed Fire Area in Coal Mine Based on Coward Explosive Triangle 423 Baiwei Lei, Bing Wu, and Xiaolin Ma Lessons Learnt from Bhatdee Coal Mine Explosion Disaster in India Using Root Cause Analysis Technique 439 R.M.Bhattcharjee, A.K.Dash, and D.C.Panigrahi An Overview of Airflow Catastrophe Induced by Methane Draft Pressure in Coal Mine Roadways 447 Kai Wang, Lei Li, Aitao Zhou, Zeqi Wu, and Shan Li Part VIll DPM Review of Diesel Particulate Matter Control Methods in Underground Mines 461 Ping Chang and Guang Xu UN Diemel Regulationns A Model for All Coal Mines 471 Pramod Thaka Diesel ICxhuuNt and Diesel Particulate Matter ( DPM) in Underground M of India 483 M.R Sages Kumar, A K.Dash, R.M.Bhattcharjee, and D.C Panigrahi DPM Varlatlon Analysis Over Multiple LHD Work Cycle with the Use of CFD 493 Hongbin Zhang, Lomie Fava, Ming Cai, Nick Vayenas, and Enrique Acufia art Ix Spontaneous Combustion I Risk Evaluation of the Spontaneous Combustion of Conl for Underground Coul Mining 505 Yutao Zhang, Yurui L iu, Jerry C.Tien, Yuqing Li, and Xueqiang Shi The EITect of Moisture in Air on the Spontaneous Combustion Charaeteristies of Coal 518 Dong Ma and Botao Qin Numerical Simulation of the Coal Spontaneous Combustion Dangerous Area in Multi-seam Longwall Gobs 528 Zhijin Yu.Hu Wen, and Chao Wang The Efect of High Geo- Temperature Environment on Coal Spontaneous Combustion: An Experimental Study 539 Jun Deng Changkui Lei.Yang Xiao, Li Ma, Kai Wang, and Himin Shu Study on Thermal Effect of Coal Oxidation at Low-Temperature 552 Yanni Zhang, Long Chen, Deng Jun, and Jingyu Zhao Part X Spontaneous Combustion II Test and Analysis of Electromagnetic Radiation in the Process of Coal Oxidation and Spontaneous Combustion 563 Zenghua Li, Biao Kong Enyuan Wang, and Jun Xu Using CFD to Study Spontaneous Combustion of Coal in Power Plant Stockpile 574 Santosh Kumar Ray, Niro Kumar Mohalik, Asfar Mobin Khan Debashish Mishra, and Nageshwar Sahay Study of Struetural Changes in Dried Bituminous Coal Soaked in Water and Its EIeet on Spontaneous Combustion in Coal Mines 593 Xiowei Zha, Long Ile, Shibo Wu Kai Wang, Jianchang Zhang and Yongjun He The Distribution and Change of Orygen- Containing Functional Groups in Coal 608 Zhian Huang, Rui Yang, Yinghua Zhang, Yukun Gao, Hui Wang, and Fangzhe Liu Part X Underground Fire Control I Research on Blockage Ratio Eifects on Large-Profile Tunnel Fire Behaviors 619 Jian Li, Congling Shi, Changkun Chen, Li He, Xuan Xu, and Binbin Wu Fire Ladder Study to Assess Spontaneous Combustion Propensity of ndian Coal 629 N.K.Mohalik, E.Lester, and I S Lowndes Novel Paste Foam for Sealing and Cooling Coal and Rock Fractures with High Temperature 642 Yi Lu, Shiliang Shi, Haiqiao Wang, Zhaojun Tian, Qing Ye, and Min Pang Numerical Simulation of Smoke Variation During Fire in Intake Airways on a Coal Mining Face 652 Jianguo Wang, Ruimeng Wu, Yanqiu Wang, and Junkai Su Part XII Underground Fire Control II Experimental Investigation on Instability Characteristics of Heated Siltstone in the Coal Fire Area 667 Xiaoxing Zhong, Hongwei Ren, and Jie Zen Experiences in Extracting Coal in the Longwall Face Affected by an Endogenous Fire in the OKD, a.s, Czech Republic 675 Vaclav Zubicek, Jindrich Sancer, Lubos Dubravka, and Radka Matova A Mine Fire Evaluation System Based on Vulnerability 686 Shuicheng Tian, and Chengzhen Zhang Application of ABT-Q High-Efficiency Composite Filling and Sealing Technology 695 Xinhai Zhang, Zhen Feng, Tianci Zhang.Erjun Xing and Shanlin Zhou Part XIll Refrigeration and Cooling Evaluation of the Hydraulic Recovery Potential in a Lake-Sourced Underground Mine Refrigeration System 705 Jeffery Templeton, Leyla Amiri.Ali Kuyuk, Seyed Ali Ghoreishi-Madiseh Fem P.Hassani, and Agus P.Sasmito Meleney af Cooling Metheds in Polish Underground Mine 713 Nikodem Nxlazak, Dariusz Otal.Marek Korzee, and Justyna Nwollieh AnY and Rap In Nitu Measurement of Thermal Conductivity of Rock 734 Masahiro Inoue, Ding al Ld.and Akitaka Higuma Experimental Study on the Infect of Air Cooling Garment on Skin Temperature and Mieroelimate 742 Heqing Liu, Liying Gao, Ilo You, Tianyu Liu, and Congying Ou Part xIV Clmate Control Achieving Nitrogen Dioxide Reductions in Mechanized Underground Mining 755 Darryl Witow.Melissa Brown, Roki Fukuzawa, Simon Arsenault and Wendy Harris Determination of Climatie Work ConditionsThermal Discomfort Index 768 Jan Drenda Wireless Sensor Network Based Underground Coal Mine Environmental Monitoring UNing Machine Learning Approach 776 Lalatendu Muduli, Devi Prasad Mishra, and Prasanta K, Jana Evaluation of Mieroclimate Conditions in Polish Underground Mines 787 Nikodem Szlazak and Dariusz Obracaj Management of Oceupational Exposure Limits: A Guide for Mine Ventilation Engineers 799 Demick J,(Rick)Brake Part XV Metal and Non-metal Mining Monitoring Methane in Gassy Salt Mines 815 Albert E, Ketler P.E,, Lauren E, Sargent, Craig D.Mattock, Thayananthan Narayanan, and Brian A, Dale Ventilation Characteristies of Underground Metal Mines in Turkey 823 Alper (onen and Treament Yalen Ventilation System Design for the Prestea Underground Mine 829 K.(.Wallace, B S, Prosser, S, Ampiah, and I, Gyawu CFD Analysis of the Elect of Porosity, Quantity and Emanating Power Variation on Gas Emissions in Bloc/Panel Cave Mines 838 Rahul Bhargava, Purushotham Tukkcaraja, Khosro Shahbazi, Kurt Katzenstein, and David Loring Design and Construction of High Capacity Fixed Refuge Chamb at PT Freeport Indonesia's Underground Operation 850 E.Paul Meisburger IV, D.Iryanto, D.Quinn, A.Widyastutie, and A.Mone Part XVI Ventilation Modeling orporating Ventilation Network Simulation into CFD Modeling to Analyze Airflow Distribution Around Longwall Panels 863 Aditya Juganda, Jurgen Brune, and Gregory Bogin, Jr. Numerical Modeling of Flow Phenomena in Mine Drift Using Laser Scan Results 876 Jakub Janus and Jerzy Krzwczyl A Mine Ventilation Program Integrated with Gob Flow Field Simulation 888 Fengliang Wu, Xintan Chang, and Zhuo Dan Study on a Method for the Prediction of Thermal Environment Parameters of Mine Roadways Under a Overall Ventilation Network 899 Xin Yi Fengliang Wu Zhenping Wang, Zhenbao Li, and Li Ma Part xvI Mine Emergency planning Critical Review of Present Rescue Practices in Indian Mines: Suggestions for Effecting a Qualitative Improvement in the Existing Scenario 913 Aftab Ahmad.A K.Dash.A K.Sinha and R.M.Bhattacharjee Risk Identification and Disaster Prevention and Control Techniques for Mines 923 Yongfeng Liu Application and Development Trend of Radar Detection Technelogy in Mine Rescue 942 Hu Wen.Wencing Wu.Xuezhao Zheng.and Jun Guo Response Charaeteristics and Monitering-Warning of Acoustic- Electromagnetic Signals in Coal Roadway Heading 951 Enyuan Wang.Zhonghu L, Liming Qiu, and Xiaojun Feng Part XVIll Regulations Comprehensive Evaluation of Safety Training Efect of Non-coal Mines Based on Combinational Empowerment Extension Model 961 Fuliang Jiang, Guan Chen, Xiangyang Li, Jintao Guo, Xiaoli Wang, Wenchao Yang, Shuai Zhang, and Ming Li Education Is the Key to Ventilation Safety 971 Duncan Chalmers and Guangyao Si Part XIX Miscellaneous Topics Study on the Practice of Concealed Goaf Detection in Metal Mine Based on Geophysical Prospecting Technology 981 Xianfeng Shi, Yongfeng Liu, Jiaguol Hu, Shigenl Fu, Zhentaol Li, and Zhipengl Liu Oxidation Activity Evaluation of Sulfide Ores Based on Weight Gain Rate Fusion Under Different Oxidation Conditions 991 Wei Pan, Chao Wu, Zijun Li, and Zhiwei Wu Investigation of Water Build-up in Vertical Upcast Shafts Through CFD Analysis 1003 Joeline Viljoen and F H.von Glehn Evaluating the Unknown Risks of Vehicular Tunnel Fires Through the Rubric and Matrix Method 1015 Kirk H McDaniel and Jurgen F.Brune A Set Pair Analysis Approach for Dynamic Risk Assessment of Tailings Dam Failure 1024 Xin Zheng, Kaili Xu, and Quanming Li Experimental Study on Influence of Low-Frequeney vibratio on Radon Exhalation From Thermal Porous Medium 1036 Ziqi Cai, Xiangyang Li, Lei Bo, Changshou Hong, Ming Li and Qiong Wu The Mechanism of Gas Storage and Transportation in the Elliptic Paraboloid Zone of Mining-Induced Fracture and Simultaneous Extraction of Coal and Gas 1048 Shugang Li, Haifei Lin Pengxiang Zhao, Haiqing Shuang, Min Yan and Yang Bai Author Index 1069