Study on the Novelnear-infrared Fluorescent Probes Based on
定 价:25 元
- 作者:孙春龙 著
- 出版时间:2019/12/1
- ISBN:9787502481278
- 出 版 社:冶金工业出版社
- 中图法分类:TQ464
- 页码:
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:
- 开本:16开
1 Advances in the Biological Application of Indoles Heptamethine Cyanine Dyes Near-infrared Fluorescent Probes
1.1 Introduction
1.2 pH Application of Sensitive Near-infrared Fluorescent Probe
1.3 Application of Metal lon Selective Near-infrared Fluorescence Probe
1.4 Application of Small Molecule Sensitive Near-infrared Fluorescence Probe
1.5 Application of Labeled Tumor Cell Type Near-infrared Fluorescence Probe
1.6 Application of Near-intfrared Fluorescent Probe in Other Fields
1.7 Summary and Outlook
2 The Synthesis of a Near-infrared Fluorescent Probe IR-789 and Its Application in Imaging of MCF-7 Cells
2.1 Abstract
2.2 Introduction
2.3 Materials and Methods
2.3.1 Apparatus and Materials
2.3.2 Synthesis and Characterization of IR
2.3.3 Absorption Analysis
2.3.4 Fluorescence Analysis
2.3.5 MTT Assay
2.3.6 Confocal Imaging
2.4 Results and Discussion
2.4.1 Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra of IR
2.4.2 Test for Probe Selectivity
2.4.3 MTT Assay
2.4.4 Determination of Quantum Yield
2.4.5 Fluorescent Confocal Microscopy Image
2.5 Conclusion
3 A Novel Near-infrared Fluorescent Probe IR-736 was Synthesized and its Application in Imaging of Living Cells
3.1 Abstract
3.2 Introduction
3.3 Materials and Methods
3.3.1 Apparatus and Materials
3.3.2 Synthesis and Characterization of IR
3.3.3 Absorption Analysis
3.3.4 Fluorescence Analysis
3.3.5 MTT Assay
3.3.6 Confocal Imaging
3.4 Results and Discussion
3.4.1 The Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra of IR
3.4.2 MTT Assay
3.4.3 Determination of Quantum Yield
3.4.4 Fluorescent Confocal Microscopy Image
3.5 Conclusion
4 Synthesis of a Novel Near-infrared Fluorescent Probe IR-780 and Its Application in Imaging of Living Cells
4.1 Abstract
4.2 Introduction
4.3 Materials and Methods
4.3.1 Apparatus and Materials
4.3.2 Synthesis and Characterization of IR
4.3.3 Absorption Analysis
4.3.4 Fluorescence Analysis
4.3.5 MTT Assay
4.3.6 Confocal Imaging
4.4 Results and Discussion
4.4.1 Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra of IR
4.4.2 MTT Assay
4.4.3 Fluorescent Confocal Microscopy Image
4.5 Summary
5 Synthesis of a Novel IR-822-Met Near-infrared Probe for in Vivo Tumor Diagnosis
5.1 Abstract
5.2 Introduction
5.3 Materials and Methods
5.3.1 Apparatus and Materials
5.3.2 Synthesis and Characterization of IR-822-Met
5.3.3 Absorption Analysis
5.3.4 Fluorescence Analysis
5.3.5 MTT Assay
5.3.6 In Vitro Targeting Capability of IR-822-Met
5.3.7 Tumor Animal Models
5.3.8 In Vivo Targeting Capability of IR-822-Met
5.4 Results
5.4.1 The Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra of IR-822-Met
5.4.2 MTT Assay
5.4.3 Determination of Quantum Yield
5.4.4 In Vitro Targeting Capability of IR-822-Met
5.4.5 In Vivo Targeting Capability of IR-822-Met
5.4.6 Pathological Study of IR-822-Met
5.5 Conclusions
6 Synthesis of a Near-infrared Fluorescent Probe IR-822-DG for Tumor Diagnosis
6.1 Abstract
6.2 Introduction
6.3 Materials and Methods
6.3.1 Apparatus and Materials
6.3.2 Synthesis and Characterization of IR-822-DG
6.3.3 Absorption Analysis
6.3.4 Fluorescence Analysis
6.3.5 MTT Assay
6.3.6 Targeting Ability of IR-822-DG in Vitro Tumor Cells
6.3.7 Tumor Animal Models
6.3.8 Targeting Ability of IR-822-DG in Tumor-Bearing Mice
6.4 Results
6.4.1 Optical Properties of IR-822-DG
6.4.2 MTT Assay
6.4.3 Determination of Quantum Yield
6.4.4 Targeting Ability of IR-822-DG in Vitro Tumor Cells
6.4.5 Targeting Ability of IR-822-DG in Tumor-Bearing Mice
6.4.6 The Efect of the Probe on Tumor Growth and Animal Survival
6.5 Discussion
7 A Novel Near-infrared Probe for Imaging of O2 Fluctuations and HtEnhancement in HepG2 Cells
7.1 Abstract
7.2 Introduction
7.3 Experimental
7.3.1 Apparatus and Materials
7.3.2 Design and Sythesis of the Probe IR-747-SAPH
7.3.3 3-(4,5-Dimethythiazo1-2-y1)-2,5-diphenyl Tetrazolium Bromide(MTT) Assay
7.3.4 Cell Culture
7.3.5 Confocal Imaging
7.4 Results and Discussion
7.4.1 Photophysical Properties of IR-747-SAPH
7.4.2 Determination of Ouantum Yield
7.4.3 Selectivity of IR-747-SAPH
7.4.4 MTT Assay
7.4.5 Fluorescence Response Time and Reversibility of IR-747-SAPH
7.4.6 Confocal Fluorescence Images of Living Cells
7.5 Discussion