定 价:20 元
- 作者:柯彦玢主编
- 出版时间:2013/1/1
- ISBN:9787544632560
- 出 版 社:上海外语教育出版社
- 中图法分类:H319.37
- 页码:157页
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:1
- 开本:16K
By definition. diet refers to the limited variety or amount of food that a person is allowed io eat for medical reasons or in order to lose weight. Though a mere diet. i.e. to limit the amount of food taken or to exclude certain foods may not work well on its own, many believe that they can lose weight effectively by going on a diet. There are hundreds of diets aiming at los-ing weight, such as low-fat diets, high-protein diets. low-calorie diets, high-fiber diets. water diets. vegan diets. fish diets, fruit-juice^diets and color diets. No matter whai it might be, all the diets, theoretically speaking. limit the intake of high-fat. high-calorie or;high-sugar foods so as to achieve the final goal of losing weight. The types of diets listed in the text are: low-fat diet: A low-fat diet works because it avoids high-fat foods such as pork or chicken skin.
for those high-fat foods often contain more calories. which will for sure lead to fatness. A low-fat diet highly suggests people to eat wholegrain rice. oats. fresh fruits and vegetables. lean white meat. skim milk and egg whites.
high-protein diet: A high-protein diet helps to lose weight because most high-protein foods are extremely low in carbs and saturated fat. Foods of this type in-clude chicken, turkey, lean meats and beef. fish and egg whites.
low-calorie diet: A low-calorie diet refers to any diet with a restricted intake of calories per day. Roughly speaking. a low-calorie diet aiming at weight loss allows a person to consume 1.500 to 1,800 calories per day.
high-fiber diet: Dietary fiber contained in foods help avoid or even halt lower di-gestive tract disorders such as constipation . diarrhea or both alternately. Foods containing more dietary fiber are whole-grain bread. fresh fruits (including the skin and pulp),dried or stewed fruits (such as raisins). root vegetables (such as carrots. or potatoes), and raw or fresh vegetables such as cabbage.
water diet: The water diet does not replace any other practicing diet at all. Instead. it is a supplementary diet. It is merely that you have to drink at least 8 glasses of water (64 ounces) throughout the day. Cold water is especially good for those who intend to lose weiglht for absorbs heat from your body and helps adjUSt the body's metabolism.