定 价:125 元
- 作者:郭淑云 著
- 出版时间:2019/6/1
- ISBN:9787565228643
- 出 版 社:辽宁师范大学出版社
- 中图法分类:I2
- 页码:
- 纸张:
- 版次:1
- 开本:16K
Preface by Lang Ying
Preface by Mark Bender
Translator’S Foreword
Preface by Daniel Kister
Profile of the Author
Chapter One The Genre and Traits ofUmesibenMama
The Gelire of Umesiben Mama
Ⅱ.Distinguishing Traits of Umesiben Mama
Chapter Two Historical—Cultural OriginsofUmesibenMama
Ⅰ.Epic and History
Ⅱ.Donghai Jurchen History,Culture and Social Make up
Ⅲ.The Donghai Jurchen Cultural Heritage Refected in Umesiben Mama
Chapter Three Donghai Tribal Society in the Epic
Ⅰ.Tribal Composition and Distribution
Ⅱ.Tribal Regime Structure□<□r>Ⅲ. TribalCulturalandSocialSystem□<□r>
Chapter Four Donghai Tribal Conflicts and Unification in the Epic
Ⅰ.Tribal Conflict□<□r>Ⅱ.Umesiben’S Tribal Warfare
Ⅲ.Tribal Unification
Chapter Five Donghai Jurchen Shamans and Shamanhood in the Epic
Ⅰ.Shaman Identity
Ⅱ.Shamanic Trance,Possession,and Mystic Dream□<□r>Ⅲ.Shamanic Function□<□r>
Chapter Six Donghai Jurehen Shamanic ldeology and Culture in the Epic
Ⅰ.Shamanic Ideology
Ⅱ.Shamanic Ritual□<□r>
Chapter Seven Donghai Jurchen Fishing.and—Hunting Lifestyles in the Epic
Ⅰ.Ecological Environment
Ⅱ.Modes ofLivelihood
Ⅲ.Living CustomsChaper Eight Donghai Jurchen Marine Activities in the Epic
Ⅰ.Sea Exploration
Ⅱ.Umesiben’s Sea Expedition□<□r>Ⅲ.Donghai Jurchen Maritime Achievement□<□r>
Chapter Nine Literary Characteristics of Umesiben Mama
Ⅰ.The Character of Umesiben as Literary Image
Ⅱ.Ancient Ethnic Atmosphere of the Epic
Ⅲ.Ⅰndigenous Poetic Language
Ⅳ.Narrative Structure
Chapter Ten The Ⅰnheritance of Umesiben Mama
Ⅰ.Birth andAncient Transmission
Ⅱ.Later Transmission
Ⅲ.Modern Preservation
Appendix The Tale ofGranny Bai
Series Acknowledgements