Twenty thousand leagues under the sea
定 价:39 元
- 作者:Jules Verne[著]
- 出版时间:2019/11/1
- ISBN:9787222186071
- 出 版 社:云南人民出版社
- 中图法分类:H319.4:I565.44
- 页码:258页
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:1
- 开本:16K
These last words were cowardly on my part; but, up to a certain point, I wished to shelter my dignity as professor, and not give too much cause for laughter to the Americans, who laugh well when they do laugh. I reserved for myself a way of escape. In effect, however, I admitted the existence of the "monster." My article was warmly discussed, which procured it a high reputation. It rallied round it a certain number of partisans. The solution it proposed gave, at least, full liberty to the imag- ination. The human mind delights in grand conceptions of supernatu- ral beings. And the sea is precisely their best vehicle, the only medium through which these giants (against which terrestrial animals, such as elephants or rhinoceroses, are as nothing) can be produced or developed.
The industrial and commercial papers treated the question chiefly from this point of view. The Shipping and Mercantile Gazette, the Lloyd's List, the Packet-Boat, and the Maritime and Colonial Review, all papers devoted to insurance companies which threatened to raise their rates of premium, were unanimous on this point. Public opinion had been pro- nounced. The United States were the first in the field; and in New York they made preparations for an expedition destined to pursue this nar- whal. A frigate of great speed, the Abraham Lincoln, was put in com- mission as soon as possible. The arsenals were opened to Commander Farragut, who hastened the arming of his frigate; but, as it always hap- pens, the moment it was decided to pursue the monster, the monster did not appear. For two months no one heard it spoken of. No ship met with it. It seemed as if this unicorn knew of the plots weaving around it. It had been so much talked of, even through the Atlantic cable, that jesters pretended that this slender fly had stopped a telegram on its passage and was making the most of it.