鉴于此,上海外语教育出版社又从布鲁姆斯伯里( Bloomsbury)出版集团了一套普及学术丛书“‘什么是’研究方法系列”,深入浅出地介绍社会科学中的常用研究方法和问题。丛书主题涉及社交网络分析、在线研究、话语分析、日记法、质研究、质访谈、质研究伦理、定量纵向数据分析等领域。每一分册均以“什么是……”命名,围绕一个主题,梳理该领域发展概况,阐释关键术语,介绍前沿成果或通过案例分析展示该研究方法的实际应用情况,并通过书目或参考书目为读者延伸阅读提供指导。各分册作者均为相关领域的研究者,思路清晰,言简意赅。
Series foreword
1 The development of diary techniques for research
Differences between unsolicited and solicited diaries
Solicited diaries as part of researcher's toolkit
What insights are provided through diary
method as a data source?
Researching this book
2 Engaging with diary techniques
Why use diary methods?
From structured to unstructured approaches
in solicited diary methods
Using sensory and audiovisual approaches
to diary recording
Mixed methods approaches
Engaging with diary techniques - what are the
questions to consider?
3 Practical issues with diary techniques:
Design and analysis
Designing studies using diary techniques -
what are the practicalities?
T a structured, semi-structured or unstructured
approach to diary design
Issues of completion and submission of diary data
Dealing with variation and missing
data in diary completion
Analysing diary data
4 The rise of technology and its influences
on diary methods
Technological trends in diary-based research
Research areas where technologies are embraced
or have potential application
Questions to consider before using technology
5 Exploring issues of participation, control and ethics
Using diary method in a participatory way: Building
equitable relations
The positive effects of diary keeping
The negative effects of diary keeping
Using diary method cautiously and
flexibly with 'vulnerable' populations
Ethical considerations with diary method
6 Methodological issues and future directions
Summarizing the strengths and limitations of
diary techniques
Addressing limitations
Solicited diaries: Co-production and inclusive research
The pedagogical landscape
Future directions
Final remarks