《李曙光院士论文选集. 卷一, 变质同位素年代学及华北-华南陆块碰撞过程》所收集论文源自多种学术期刊,各源刊格式标准可能不统一,本着尊重历史、忠于原文的精神,所用物理量单位、符号、图例、参考文献等尽量保留了原文风貌。
Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic dating of an Early Precambrian spilite-keratophyre sequence in the Wutaishan area, North China: preliminary evidence for Nd-isotopic homogenization in the mafic and felsic lavas during low-grade metamorphism 3
河南中部登封群全岩Sm-Nd 同位素年龄及其构造意义 13
Excess argon in phengite from eclogite: evidence from dating of eclogite minerals by Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr and 40Ar/39Ar methods 16
大别山-苏鲁地体超高压变质年代学——Ⅰ Sm-Nd 同位素体系 22
大别山-苏鲁地体超高压变质年代学——Ⅱ 锆石U-Pb 同位素体系 30
构造剪切与变质角闪石中过剩Ar 的引入:北秦岭丹凤群斜长角闪岩的Sm-Nd 、Rb-Sr 和40Ar/39Ar 测年证据 36
Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr and 40Ar/39Ar isotopic systematics of the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Dabie-Sulu Belt, Central China: a retrospective view 42
大别山北部榴辉岩和英云闪长质片麻岩的锆石U-Pb 年龄及多期变质增生 53
青岛仰口榴辉岩的Nd 同位素不平衡及二次多硅白云母Rb-Sr 年龄 58
Effects of retrograde-zoning of garnet on Sm-Nd isotopic dating of eclogite and oxygen isotopic disequilibrium between eclogitic minerals 63
A high precision U-Pb age of metamorphic rutile in coesite-bearing eclogite from the Dabie Mountains in Central China: a new constraint on the cooling history 72
大别山金河桥榴辉岩矿物O-Nd-Pb 同位素体系及其对扩散速率的制约 83
大别造山带超高压变质岩和镁铁质岩浆岩锆石U-Pb 年代学的TIMS 和SIMS 法定年结果比较 90
青龙山榴辉岩高压变质新生锆石SHRIMP U-Pb 定年、微量元素及矿物包裹体研究 97
超高压变质岩的放射性同位素体系及年代学方法 105
变质岩同位素年代学:Rb-Sr 和Sm-Nd 体系 121
Modification of the Sm-Nd isotopic system in garnet induced by retrogressive fluids 131
中国华北、华南陆块碰撞时代的钐-钕同位素年龄证据 151
大别山北翼大别群中C 型榴辉岩的Sm-Nd 同位素年龄及其构造意义 157
大别山南麓含柯石英榴辉岩的Sm-Nd 同位素年龄 160
胶南榴辉岩的形成时代及成因——Sr、Nd 同位素地球化学及年代学证据 163
中国中部蓝片岩的形成时代 167
青岛榴辉岩及胶南群片麻岩的锆石U-Pb 年龄——胶南群中晋宁期岩浆事件的证据 172
华北与扬子陆块的碰撞时代及过程 176
Collision of the North China and Yangtse Blocks and formation of coesite-bearing eclogites: timing and processes 178
北秦岭拉圾庙苏长辉长岩的痕量元素和Sr,Nd 同位素地球化学 198
蛇绿岩生成构造环境的Ba-Th-Nb-La 判别图 208
εNd-La/Nb、Ba/Nb 、Nb/Th 图对地幔不均一性研究的意义——岛弧火山岩分类及EMII 端元的分解 215
北秦岭黑河丹凤群岛弧火山岩建造的发现及其构造意义 222
南秦岭勉略构造带黑沟峡变质火山岩的年代学和地球化学——古生代洋盆及其闭合时代的证据 229
A middle Silurian-early Devonian magmatic arc in the Qinling Mountains of Central China: a discussion 236
北秦岭西峡二郎坪群枕状熔岩中一个岩枕的年代学和地球化学研究 239
Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr ages and geochemistry of volcanics from the Dingyuan Formation in Dabie Mountains, Central China: evidence to the Paleozoic magmatic arc 247
Accretional history of the North and South China Blocks, and the microcontinents between them: implications for dispersion of Gondwanaland 254
大别山北部榴辉岩的地球化学特征和Sr、Nd 同位素组成及其大地构造意义 258
Geochemical and geochronological constraints on the suture location between the North and South China Blocks in the Dabie orogen, Central China 266
Carboniferous and Triassic eclogites in the western Dabie Mountains, east-central China: evidence for protracted convergence of the North and South China Blocks 289
Mid-paleozoic collision in the North Qinling: Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr and 40Ar/39Ar ages and their tectonic implications 309
Timing of synorogenic granitoids in the South Qinling, Central China: constraints on the evolution of the Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt 318
南秦岭勉略构造带三岔子古岩浆弧的地球化学特征及形成时代 330
大别造山带惠兰山镁铁质麻粒岩Sm-Nd 和锆石SHRIMP U-Pb 年代学及锆石微量元素地球化学 340
西秦岭关子镇蛇绿混杂岩的地球化学和锆石SHRIMP U-Pb 年龄 349
青海东昆南构造带苦海辉长岩和德尔尼闪长岩的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb 年龄及痕量元素地球化学——对“祁-柴-昆”晚新元古代-早奥陶世多岛洋南界的制约 358
大别山石马地区榴辉岩P-T-t轨迹及其构造意义 369
P-T-t path for coesite-bearing peridotite-eclogite assciation in the Bixiling, Dabie Mountains 378
Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic chronology and cooling history of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks and their country rocks at Shuanghe in the Dabie Mountains, Central China 381
大别山双河超高压变质岩及北部片麻岩的U-Pb 同位素组成——对超高压岩石折返机制的制约 403
Geochemical constraints of the eclogite and granulite facies metamorphism as recognized in the Raobazhai complex from North Dabie Shan, China 410
大别山北部镁铁-超镁铁质岩带中榴辉岩的分布与变质温压条件 430
大别山北部榴辉岩的大地构造属性及冷却史 443
Geochemistry and geochronology of eclogites from the northern Dabie Mountains, Central China 448
大别山超高压变质岩的冷却史及折返机制 464
大别山下地壳岩石及其深俯冲 472
Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating for gneisses in northern Dabie high T/Pmetamorphic zone, Central China: implications for decoupling within subducted continental crust 480
Ultrahigh-pressure eclogite transformed from mafic granulite in the Dabie orogen, east-central China 497
俯冲陆壳内部的拆离和超高压岩石的多板片差异折返:以大别-苏鲁造山带为例 513
Common Pb of UHP metamorphic rocks from the CCSD project (100–5000 m) suggesting decoupling between the slices within subducting continental crust and multiple thin slab exhumation 525
A granulite record of multistage metamorphism and REE behavior in the Dabie orogen: constraints from zircon and rock-forming minerals 540
Common Pb isotope mapping of UHP metamorphic zones in Dabie orogen, Central China: implication for Pb isotopic structure of subducted continental crust 568
第四部分大陆俯冲过程中的流体及Nb-Ta分异大陆俯冲过程中的流体 593
Making continental crust th