中国美食 全球共享!品味中国美食,了解中华文化!
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用英语介绍中国美食文化 适合初、高中学生、四六级(考研)考生、对外交流人员等
Chapter 01
The Cuisine in the Northeast Region 东北地区饮食
The Dietary Culture of the Northeast Region 东北地区饮食文化
Braised Pork with Vermicelli 猪肉炖粉条
Demoli Fish Stew 得莫利炖鱼
Shenyang Chicken Skeleton 沈阳鸡架
Grilled Noodles 烤冷面
Fried Pork in Scoop 锅包肉
Pancake with Salted Fish 咸鱼饼子
Chapter 02
The Cuisine in Beijing-Tianjin Region 京津地区饮食
The Dietary Culture of Beijing-Tianjin Region 京津地区饮食文化
Luzhu Huoshao 卤煮火烧
Zha Jiang Noodles 炸酱面
Beijing Roast Duck 北京烤鸭
Pea Flour Cake 豌豆黄儿
Jianbing Guozi 煎饼馃子
Go Believe/Goubuli Baozi 狗不理包子
Tianjin Mahua/Fried Dough Twists 天津大麻花
Chapter 03
The Cuisine in the Mid-North and Northwest Region
The Dietary Culture of the Mid-North and Northwest Region 中北及西北地区
Xinjiang Roast Whole Lamb 新疆烤全羊
The Xinjiang Market Chicken 新疆大盘鸡
Lanzhou Beef Ramen 兰州牛肉拉面
Beef Jerky 牛肉干
Milk Tofu 奶豆腐
Mutton Eaten with Hands 手抓羊肉
Qinghai Niang Pi 青海酿皮
Condensed Yogurt 老酸奶
Chapter 04
The Cuisine in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yellow River
The Dietary Culture of the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yellow River
Rougamo 肉夹馍
Pita Bread Soaked in Beef/Lamb Soup 牛羊肉泡馍
Hanzhong Hot Mianpi 汉中热面皮
Daoxiao Noodles 刀削面
Sauteed Boiled Pork 过油肉
Fried Leek Dumplings 韭菜盒子
Braised Pork Balls in Gravy 四喜丸子
Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce 九转大肠
Stir-fried Kidney 爆炒腰花
Sweet and Sour Carp 糖醋鲤鱼
Dezhou Braised Chicken 德州扒鸡
Chapter 05
The Cuisine in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River
Chapter 06
The Cuisine in the Southeast Region 东南地区饮食
Chapter 07
The Cuisine in the Southwest Region 西南地区饮食
附录 以食为媒走天下不可不知的中华美食英文表达