Chapter 1 A Research of Delay of Gratification
Section 1 The concept of delay of gratification
Section 2 The research paradigm of delay of gratification ability
Section 3 Training methods of delay of gratification ability
Chapter 2 A Research of Academic Delay of Gratification
Section 1 The concept and development of academic delay of gratification
Section 2 Influencing factors of academic delay of gratification
Section 3 The role of academic delay of gratification
Section 4 Problems in the study of learners' academic delay of gratification
Chapter 3 A Research of Self-Regulated Learning
Section 1 The concept and development of self-regulated learning
Section 2 Influencing factors of self-regulated learning
Section 3 The role of self-regulated learning
Section 4 Problems in the study of learners' self-regulated learning
Chapter 4 A Research of Future Time Perspective
Section 1 The concept and development of future time perspective
Section 2 Influencing factors of future time perspective
Section 3 The role of future time perspective
Section 4 Problems in the study of learners' future time perspective
Chapter 5 Characteristics of Chinese Foreign Language Learners
Chapter 6 Chinese Foreign Language Learners' Academic Delay of Gratification
Section 1 Development of 阿academic delay of gratification scale for Chinese foreign language learners
Section 2 A case study of Chinese foreign language learners' ADOG
Section 3 A longitudinal individual difference study of foreign
language learners' academic delay of gratification
Chapter 7 Chinese Foreign Language Learners' Self-regulated Learning
Section 1 Development of the self-regulated learning strategy scale for Chinese foreign language learners
Section 2 A case study of Chinese foreign language learners' SRL
Chapter 8 Chinese Foreign Language Learners' Future Time Perspective
Section 1 Measurement of Chinese foreign language learners' future time perspective
Section 2 A conditional analysis of Chinese foreign language learners' future time perspective
Chapter 9 The Influence of ADOG, SRL and FTP on Chinese Foreign Language Learners' Academic Performance--A Case Study from Psychology
Chapter 10 The Neural Mechanism of Academic Delay of Gratification, Self-Regulated Learning and Future Time Perspective
Section 1 The neural mechanism of academic delay of gratification of learners
Section 2 The neural mechanism of self-regulated learning of learners
Section 3 The neural mechanism of future time perspective of learners
Chapter 11 How Can Teachers Improve Students' Academic Delay of Gratification Ability in the Teaching Process
Chapter 12 How Can Students Improve Their Academic Delay of Gratification
Ability in the Process of Foreign Language Learning
Section 1 The basic characteristics of successful students with high academic delay of gratification
Section 2 How should students improve their academic delay of gratification ability in the learning process
Section 3 Students' academic procrastination behavior and solutions
Chapter 13 Summary