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口译学能测试中的坚韧性人格研究(英文版) 本著作主体研究包括研究理论框架、研究问题的提出、研究设计与步骤、研究结果的呈现与讨论。通过对149名中国口译学习者进行问卷调查和深度访谈,研究坚韧性人格对口译表现的影响及口译焦虑与自我效能感在此影响中的中介作用。基于研究结果,提出坚韧性人格的测量框架、工具和步骤,为构建口译学能测试模式提供参照。通过全面考察坚韧性人格对口译表现的影响,本书稿将为高校师生、口译研究者、心理学研究者及其他利益相关者更好理解非认知因素在口译活动中的作用提供新的理论视角和实证支持。 本选题具有以下特点:1.本课题积极响应*关于全面提高高等教育质量的号召,通过对口译学能测试的科学研究,为提高口译人才培养质量提供方法论指导。 2.本研究运用跨学科研究方法对口译学能进行研究,既能助推口译教学的跨学科研究,也能扩宽相关学科的研究视野。 3.本研究依托心理学、心理测量学的理论知识与方法,对受试进行施测和评分,并对数据进行定量定性分析,对同类研究具有借鉴和启发意义。 Interpreters are made not born(Mackintosh, 1999: 67). It is believed that everybody has the potential to become an interpreter after training. Nonetheless, time constraints and financial limitations make it advisable to select applicants who need the least training. Aptitude testing for interpreting, with a purpose to admit the most promising candidates, has thus become not only a practical necessity for institutions, but also a concerned issue among interpreting researchers. Literature review and empirical survey discover that aptitude testing for interpreting attaches great importance to cognitive aptitude, such as language transfer, comprehension, analysis, and the like, which is characterized by being standardized, quantified, and replicable. Most importantly, it determines success or failure of a specific task. Comparatively, non-cognitive attributes, personality in particular, albeit recognized as important, are seldom measured, due to their complex structure and shortage of scientific measurement tools. Bearing this void in mind, I intend to focus this book on the research of personality traits in aptitude testing for interpreting, with an aim to expand objective ways of testing candidates for the requisite knowledge and skills.Personality hardiness, underpinning in existential psychology, is such a vital and valuable personality trait for interpreters. With a constellation of three crucial characteristics, namely commitment, control, and challenge, personality hardiness is presented as facilitating perception, evaluation, and coping that lead to successful resolution of the situation created by stressful events. It not only contributes to decreasing physical and psychological illness, but also conduces to improving performance under stress in a wide range of contexts from the military to medical schools and to colleges.Interpreting is a highly stress-provoking activity and interpreters normally work under great pressure. Accordingly, an ideal interpreter is expected to possess personality traits of stress-resistance resilience psychological stamina and nerves of steel, to name but a few. Apparently, personality hardiness shares similarities with the aforementioned aptitudes. Indeed, available research reveals that it is a better predictor of effective coping with stressful circumstances. Hence, I attempt to borrow this useful psychological conceptpersonality hardiness to interpreting studies, exploring whether it facilitates the performance of interpreters as it does among lawyers, military cadets, nurses, teachers, and so forth.Since the current research is an exploratory study of the relations between personality hardiness and interpreting performance, it is worthwhile to investigate whether there lies a mediator or moderator to affect this relationship. Given the hardiness model that it is via alleviating stress that hardiness enhances performance as well as the evidence that hardiness and self-efficacy are intimately associated, this book is devoted to an empirical investigation into the effects of personality hardiness on interpreting performance, with interpreting anxiety and self-efficacy as two intermediates. Toward this end, a quantitative method of questionnaire survey and a qualitative in-depth interview are adopted among 149 Chinese student interpreters at postgraduate level.In this book, Chapter 1 presents a succinct introduction to the research motives, questions, and methodology. In Chapter 2 and 3, relevant literature is thoroughly and critically reviewed, and a research framework is clearly unfolded. Chapter 4 introduces in detail the research designs, hypotheses, data collection procedures, and analysis methods, followed by findings pertaining to each hypothesis. In Chapter 5, an elaborated discussion on the effects of personality hardiness on interpreting performance, self-efficacy as well as interpreting anxiety is provided. With the substantiated effectiveness, a framework for personality hardiness measurement in aptitude testing for interpreting is tentatively proposed in Chapter 6, aligned with a detailed illustration on measuring tools and procedures. Chapter 7 concludes the book with a summary of major findings, significance, and suggestions for follow-up endeavors in the future. The major findings of the current research are listed as follows. Firstly, personality hardiness, interpreting anxiety, self-efficacy, and interpreting performance are interrelated. Specifically, personality hardiness is significantly negatively correlated with interpreting anxiety and positively related to self-efficacy and interpreting performance; secondly, personality hardiness is of significant predictability on interpreting performance, interpreting anxiety, and self-efficacy, respectively; thirdly, interpreting anxiety and self-efficacy play a mediating role in personality hardiness and interpreting performance linkages separately, which indicate, in addition to a direct correlation with interpreting performance, personality hardiness influences students interpreting performance via relieving interpreting anxiety and enhancing sense of self-efficacy. The present investigation reveals that personality hardiness is a valuable trait to student interpreters. By presenting systematically the effects of personality hardiness on interpreting performance, this book is believed to contribute theoretical as well as empirical stepping stones to understanding the position of personality hardiness in aptitude testing for interpreting, providing the stakeholders with insights or blueprints in selecting the most teachable candidates for interpreting training programs. In addition, findings of this book will shed light on personality dispositions research on interpreter performance, injecting fresh impetus to embark on a new research agenda designed to further understanding of hardiness-performance linkages in interpreters.Finally, this study, taking an interdisciplinary viewpoint of and drawing a heavy load of scholarship from research on psychology and second language acquisition, will in return lend itself to these flourishing domains in one way or another. 作者毕业于厦门大学英语语言文学博士学位(口译研究方向)。现为中南民族大学外语学院副教授,硕士生导师,翻译系主任,MTI中心主任。湖北省翻译工作者协会理事。2015年6月至2016年5月,在香港理工大学访学。近年先后在《中国翻译》、《上海翻译》、《外语教学理论与实践》、Across Languages and Cultures (SSCI & AHCI) 等核心期刊发表论文数篇,主持省部级以上科研项目多项。此外,作者积极参加各类学术研讨,在第10、11届全国口译大会暨国际研讨会、全球化背景下的口笔译国际研讨会、第12届中西部地区翻译理论与教学研讨会等重要学术会议上宣读论文10余次。 Chapter 1Introduction1 Chapter 2Literature Review11 Chapter 3Personality Hardiness and Aptitude Testing for Chapter 4Research on the Effects of Personality Hardiness on Chapter 5Implications of Research on the Effects of Personality Hardiness on Interpreting Performance106 Chapter 6A Tentative Framework for Personality Hardiness Chapter 7Conclusion146 References155 Appendix AQuestionnaire for Student Interpreters176 Appendix BScript for English-Chinese Consecutive Interpreting Appendix CScript for Chinese-English Consecutive Interpreting Appendix DIn-depth Interview Guide 186List of Figures