Chapter 1 Introduction and Background / / 1
1. 1 Features of the Book / / 3
1. 1. 1 Subject Matters and Tools of International Finance / / 4
1. 1. 2 Research Method and Logic of the Book / / 7
1. 1. 3 Applicability of the Book / / 8
1. 2 Overview of Contents / / 10
1. 2. 1 Exchange Rate / / 10
1. 2. 2 Balance of Payments and Financial Globalization / / 11
1. 2. 3 International Financial Market, Institutions and Institutional Reform / / 11
1. 3 Background: Globalization and China Opening-up / / 12
1. 3. 1 Recent History of Globalization / / 12
1. 3. 2 China??s Opening-up / / 16
Chapter 2 Basic Theories of Exchange Rate / / 21
2. 1 Exchange Rate and Foreign Exchange Market / / 24
2. 1. 1 Definition of Exchange Rate / / 24
2. 1. 2 Exchange Rate Regime and Exchange Rate Determination Mechanism / / 27
2. 1. 3 Foreign Exchange Market and Foreign Exchange Derivatives / / 33
2. 2 Exchange Rate Arbitrage and Interest Rate Parity Formula / / 44
2. 2. 1 Exchange Rate Arbitrage / / 44
2. 2. 2 Covered Interest Rate Parity Formula / / 45
2. 2. 3 Uncovered Interest Rate Parity Formula / / 47
2. 2. 4 Risk and Liquidity / / 50
Chapter 3 Long-term and Short-term Pricing of Exchange Rate / / 59
3. 1 Long-term Pricing of Exchange Rate / / 61
3. 1. 1 Law of One Price and Purchasing Power Parity / / 61
3. 1. 2 Absolute Purchasing Power Parity and Relative Purchasing Power Parity / / 63
3. 1. 3 Long-term Pricing of Exchange Rate: The Balassa-Samuelson Model / / 71
3. 1. 4 Long-term Pricing of Exchange Rate: Monetary Price / / 75
3. 2 Short-term Pricing of Exchange Rate / / 77
3. 2. 1 Short-term Pricing of Exchange Rate: Asset Approach / / 78
3. 2. 2 Long-term and Short-term Pricing Models of Exchange Rate: Money and Monetary Path / / 80
3. 2. 3 Fixed Interest Rate and the Trilemma / / 83
3. 2. 4 Exchange Rate Prediction / / 86
3. 3 Foreign Exchange Control / / 89
3. 3. 1 Foreign Exchange Control and Foreign Exchange Reserve Management / / 89
3. 3. 2 History and Reform of the Renminbi Exchange Rate / / 92
Chapter 4 Balance of Payments and Financial Globalization / / 97
4. 1 International Transactions and Balance of Payments / / 99
4. 1. 1 Macroeconomic Transactions and Macro Accounts / / 99
4. 1. 2 The Balance of Payments Accounts / / 103
4. 1. 3 External Wealth of a Nation / / 112
4. 2 Cost-benefit Analysis of Financial Globalization / / 121
4. 2. 1 Small Open Economy Model / / 121
4. 2. 2 Consumption Smoothing / / 123
4. 2. 3 Improvement of Investment Efficiency / / 127
4. 2. 4 Risk Diversification / / 129
4. 3 Efficiency of International Financial Market / / 130
Chapter 5 Open Economy Macroeconomic Model and Policy Analysis / / 137
5. 1 Keynesian Model in Open Economy / / 139
5. 1. 1 Aggregate Demand / / 139
5. 1. 2 Goods Market and Foreign Exchange Market Equilibrium / / 143
5. 1. 3 Money Market Equilibrium / / 144
5. 1. 4 Home Country Equilibrium / / 145
5. 2 Policy Analysis with the Keynesian Model / / 146
5. 2. 1 Temporary Monetary and Fiscal Policies / / 146
5. 2. 2 Permanent Monetary and Fiscal Policies / / 158
5. 2. 3 Macroscopic Policy and Current Account / / 161
5. 2. 4 Liquidity Trap / / 165
Chapter 6 Exchange Rate Regimes / / 171
6. 1 Exchange Rate Regime Classification / / 173
6. 2 Theory of Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes / / 179
6. 2. 1 The Central Bank Balance Sheet and Money Supply / / 180
6. 2. 2 Economic Policy under a Fixed Exchange Rate Regime / / 186
6. 3 Considerations for Choosing an Exchange Rate Regime / / 197
6. 3. 1 Similarity of Shocks between the Pegging Country and the Anchor Country / / 197
6. 3. 2 Economic Integration / / 199
6. 3. 3 Effects of Exchange Rate Regime on Trade / / 199
6. 3. 4 Exchange Rate Regime and Monetary Discipline / / 203
6. 3. 5 Exchange Rate Regime and Wealth Shocks / / 204
6. 3. 6 Discussion: The Feasibility of Fixed Exchange Rate Regime / / 206
Chapter 7 Capital Control and Capital Flow Management / / 211
7. 1 International Capital Flow and Classification / / 214
7. 2 International Capital Control Policy / / 217
7. 2. 1 Capital Control / / 217
7. 2. 2 Capital Control and Macroprudential Management / / 221
7. 3 The Macroeconomy and Policy Effects under Capital Control / / 223
7. 3. 1 Basic Model Assumptions / / 224
7. 3. 2 Monetary Policy / / 225
7. 3. 3 Fiscal Policy / / 228
7. 3. 4 Exchange Rate Policy: Change of the Target Exchange Rate / / 230
7. 3. 5 Discussion: Pros and Cons of Capital Controls / / 232
7. 4 Foreign Direct Investment / / 233
7.4.1 FDI`s Influence on Productivity and Economic Development / / 233
7. 4. 2 Determinants of FDI Flow / / 236
Chapter 8 Developing Countries / / 241
8. 1 Growth and Divergence in the World Economy / / 243
8. 1. 1 Income Disparity and Happiness / / 243
8. 1. 2 Prediction of the Classical Growth Theory and Partial Convergence / / 245
8. 2 Capital Flows to Developing Countries, Risks, and Crises / / 249
8. 2. 1 Financial Flows to Developing Countries / / 249
8. 2. 2 Defaults and Capital Flow Reversals / / 255
8. 2. 3 Currency Mismatch and the “Original Sin” / / 257
8. 3 Emerging Market Balance-of-Payment Crises / / 259
8. 3. 1 Latin American Debt Crisis in the 1980s / / 259
8. 3. 2 Asian Financial Crisis, 1997 -1998 / / 261
8. 4 Reforming the International Safety Nets / / 269
8. 4. 1 The Revival of Capital Controls / / 269
8. 4. 2 Foreign Exchange Reserves / / 271
8. 4. 3 Regional Safety Nets and Central Bank Swaps / / 272
8. 4. 4 The Role of the IMF / / 273