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中国共产党丛书-中国共产党与中国的民主建设(英) 民主是全人类的共同价值,是中国共产党和中国人民始终不渝坚持的重要理念。中国的民主是人民民主,人民当家作主是中国民主的本质和核心。回顾百年党史,民主贯穿中共领导中国革命、建设和改革的全程。十八大以来,中共提出全过程人民民主重大理念并大力推进。全过程人民民主实现了过程民主和成果民主、程序民主和实质民主、直接民主和间接民主、人民民主和国家意志相统一,是全链条、全方位、全覆盖的民主,是最广泛、最真实、最管用的社会主义民主,在中华大地展示出勃勃生机和强大生命力。本书从中国共产党的民主建设视角,阐释民主的力量这一中国之治的密码,从而充分昭示中共产党为什么能,中国的民主之路何以越走越宽广。 IntroductionThe 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which attracted worldwide attention, marked the beginning of a new era for Chinas development. Domestically, new progress has been achieved in promoting democracy under the leadership of the CPC; internationally, the CPC has become the worlds largest Marxist political party and thegoverning party of the worlds largest developing country. As a result, what the CPC says and does gets increasing attention from across the globe.In November 2021, the 6th Plenum of the 19th CPC Central Committee (CCCPC), which is widely regarded as a meeting of great historical significance for China, championed whole-process peoples democracy. It was after summarizing the lessons learned from successes and failures in political development both at home and abroad that the Plenum decided to unswervingly pursue this type of socialist democracy that is deeply rooted in Chinese society. Given the fact that sweeping progress has been made in institutionalizing and standardizing the socialist democracy since the 18th CPC National Congress, and the fact that the strengths of the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics have been brought into full play, ensuring Chinas political stability, unity and vitality, the Plenum also announced that the Party was going to hold its 20th National Congress in the second half of 2022 in Beijing. As the CPCs influence keeps growing, its 20th National Congress will undoubtedly attract wider attention in the world, and the international community will closely follow the CPCs progress in advancing Chinas political structure reform and promoting democracy in the many years to come.For a long time, Western countries have mistakenly defined the political system established by the CPC as a one-party autocracy without democracy, while equating their two-party system and multi-party system with democracy. This false impression theyve created has for a long time deluded the international community into believing that the CPC is against practicing democracy. It has also influenced the view of a small number of Chinese people on the countrys political system.In fact, what has really happened in the history of the CPC is as follows: since its founding, the CPC has been earnestly pursuing and practicing democracy, and democracy has repeatedly helped the Party overcame difficulties and achieve success. Claims such as one-Party governance must be autocratic instead of democratic are counter-scientific notions forged by some Western political scholars. Such ideas run counter to the worlds need for diversification of political systems. Because of them, many countries efforts to establish their own political system based on their realities are interfered or even under attack.Similar to economy and culture, democracy develops at different paces and comes in different forms in different countries, among different nationalities, and from different historical and cultural backgrounds. It has no fixed, universally correct form. Between form and contents, China highly values the latter. To be more specific, while paying heed to the way democracy is conducted, we pay more attention to the actual contents of democracy. So far, after years of exploration, practice, and innovation, the CPC has blazed its own development road and established its own development mode, namely the socialist road with Chinese characteristics and the democratic road with Chinese characteristics. Such a democratic mode (or path) embodies the values of the Chinese people. It has been a successful practice of the CPC. It is open, inclusive and therefore never self-enclosed.This successful practice of the CPC and the Chinese people demonstrates that democracy is developed based on a countrys realities including its history, economy and culture. To judge if the policies and systems established and followed by a party or government are democratic or not, it is necessary to take into consideration the realities of the country or region and avoid resorting solely to the standards set by the Western world. When any political party or political force in the world makes effort to pursue progress and democracy and actively explores their own road and mode based on their realities, such effort and exploration must be appreciated. There should be multiple and diversified roads and modes for developing democracy. Democracy is not equivalent to a multi-party system, and one-party leadership is not equivalent to autocracy. Democracy can be practiced under one-Party leadership. There is no such thing as the best democracy but only better democracy.As a responsible, large developing country, China feels obliged to participate in and support the diversified development process of world politics. It has every reason to confidently introduce to its young people and other countries in the world, through its own discourse system, what type of democracy the government of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and the CPC are practicing and pursuing, and what their future-oriented institutional design are for exercising this democracy with Chinese characteristic. To make our due contribution to this democracy, we hereby compile this book.This book was not written in a way that may lead to a war of words, arguments or debates; rather, it was written with the ideas of telling vivid stories, giving typical examples, presenting hard historical facts and listing precise data. To clear up the confusion and misunderstandings over the issue of Chinas democracy, which exist in the Western world as well as among some though not so many people in China, we list frequently-asked questions, make comparisons, and give answers to the questions in this book. Our views on the progress that the CPC and the PRC have made in promoting democracy are convincingly backed by realities, concrete cases, historical facts and data in addition to quotations from foreign people. In a word, we just want to rebut the false rhetoric around Chinas democracy with evidence, and we have implemented this principle throughout the entire book.Lin Liangqi and Shen ChuanliangDecember, 2021 林良旗,中国外文局原副总编辑。毕业于复旦大学新闻系、中国人民大学新闻系(研究生),获文学硕士学位。先后在人民解放军某部、中共中央宣传部、国务院新闻办公室从事新闻和对外宣传工作;1992年起任北京周报社副总编辑、总编辑、社长,中国外文局副总编辑。其间担任中华全国新闻工作者协会常务理事、中国期刊协会常务理事及北京大学国家战略传播研究院顾问等社会职务。沈传亮,中央党校研究室副主任,教授、博士生导师,主要从事中共党史党建研究、中共决策思想研究。中央马克思主义理论研究和建设工程课题组首席专家。主持或参与国家社科基金重点项目、重大课题十多项,出版专著多部,发表论文百余篇。参编参著图书多次获得五个一工程奖项,入选中国好书,入选主题出版重点出版物。 ContentsIntroduction.................................. 004Chapter I The CPC: A Political Party Upholding and Pursuing DemocracyDemocracy, as an Ideological Weapon Against Autocracy, Paved the Way for the Establishment of the CPC.................................................018Articles on Democracy in the Programs and Constitution of the CPC: Theoretical Foundations for the CPCs Democratic Cause........................................029When Leftist Guidelines Damaged Democracy and Harmed the Revolution,the CPC Learned the Lessons and Saved the Revolution by Embracing Democracy. ...............033Chapter II With Democracy as Its Weapon, the CPC Defeated the KMTEstablished a New-Type Army Through Democracy.......................045A New Mode of Governance Based on the Three-Thirds System ................................ 052The CPCs Democratic Style Increased the Partys Appeal to Young Democracy Supporters....................................................062Inter-Party Consultation and Cooperation for the Future of the Nation........................... 068Chapter III Democratic Consultations for the Establishment of aNew ChinaThe Governance Program of the CPC Attracts Other Democratic Parties................082The Political Consultative Conference Dedicated to the Preparationfor Founding the New China Featured Democratic Consultations............................092Non-CPC Ministers Hold Both Positions and Power...........................104Chapter IV With Democracy, China Entered the New Period of Reform and Opening-UpDeng Xiaopings Three Ups and Three Downs Reflects the Development of the CPCs Intra-Party Democracy...............................118Realize Historical Transition by Exercising Democracy..............125Chapter V Development of Democracy in the New EraAdhere to and Strengthen the CPCs Overall Leadership ...................134Uphold and Improve the System of the Peoples Congresses andEnsure the Peoples Status as Masters of the Country...........................140Adhere to and Improve the System of CPC-Led Multi-Party Cooperation and Political Consultation; Promote the Development of Socialist Consultative Democracy.............................................................151Uphold and Improve the System of Regional Ethnic Autonomy and Promote the Development of All Ethnic Groups ...........................158Constantly Perfect the Community-Level Self-Governance Systemand Promote Community-Level Democracy.......................165Promote Law-Based Governance and Stick to the Path of Socialist Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics................................................172Chapter VI The Peoples Congress Essentially Embodies DemocracyBuild a Platform for Peoples Democracy.............................................. 183Legislation and Supervision Demonstrate the Strength of Democracy.....................191The Unique Characteristics of the Peoples Congress System..................................203Chapter VII The CPPCC Demonstrates the Charm of the Chinese DemocracyThe CPPCC Started a New Development Phase for Multi-Party Cooperation.........216Institutionalized Consultation Among the Parties...........................227How the Non-CPC Political Parties Participate in Discussing and Handling State Affairs .........................................................240Chapter VIII Democracy: The Key to Handling Ethnic IssuesLet Ethnic Minority Groups Be Masters of Their Own Affairs................256Accelerate the Development of Ethnic Minority Areas.......................266Protect Freedom of Religious Belief............................................272Chapter IX Democratic Decision-Making Boosts Scientific DevelopmentGradually Improve the Capability of Decision-Makers.......................283Highlight the Development of Decision-Making Systems.................288Involvement of Citizens in Major Decision-Makings..........................293Stress Experts Participation and Decision-Making Procedures..............298Chapter X Enhance Governance Foundations by Welcoming OpinionsComply with Public Opinions and Focus on Improving Peoples Livelihood..........306Investigation: The Heirloom of the CPC...................................314Open Channels to Solicit Public Opinions..............................................320New Media: New Platforms for Expressing Public Opinions............... 327Chapter XI Grassroots Democracy: Democracy with Renewed Vigor and VitalityVillagers Self-Governance: Democratic Practice of Rural People...........................335Reform of Township Governance .................................................343Residents Self-Governance and Democratic Management of Enterprises and Public Institutions...............................................350Rising Mass Social Organizations: Grassroots Democracy..........................359Chapter XII Intra-Party Democracy: Key to the Future Development of Chinas DemocracyIntra-Party Democracy: Key to the CPCs Survival......................368Guarantee CPC Members Rights........................................373Make Party Affairs More Transparent..............................................381Chapter XIII Inclusiveness Brings Innovation of New Democratic Governance ModelsBe Rationally Inclusive and Allow Contention................................393Absorb Progressive People Into the Party Regardless of Their Social Stratum Backgrounds......................................400Economic Democracy and the End of the Planned Economy............407Learn from the World: Globalization of the Inter-Party Communication..................415Concluding Remarks................................................423