定 价:59.9 元
- 作者:(美)理查兹
- 出版时间:2011/3/1
- ISBN:9787513506519
- 出 版 社:外语教学与研究出版社
- 中图法分类:H319.39
- 页码:151
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:1
- 开本:大16开
Pack C.Richards
The best of friends
Make new friends,but keep the old
Clothes and appearance
The way we dress
How we appear to others
Science and technology
Good science,bad science
Technology and you
Units 1-3 Communication revies
Superstitions and beliefs
Believe it or not
Television and reading
Trends in reading
Musicians and music
A world of music
Getting your big break
Units 4-6 Communication revies
Changing times
Consumer culture
Exceptional people
Business matters
single cell. It has previously been used to createcopies of, for example, sheep, cows, and cats.While animal cloning is an amazing andpowerful technology with possible benefits toscience and humanity, many people are voicingconcerns about the ethics and wisdom of thisscientific innovation.
On the surface, animal cloning simply seemsto be the "copying" of an animal, and it isdifficult to see the benefits. However, thepotential benefits of animal cloning are many.Cloned animals can be useful in the productionof certain drugs to treat human illnesses.Through cloning, scientists can modify animalorgans, such as heart valves, so that they can besafely transplanted into the human body.Cloning could also be very useful in the saving ofendangered species. Two types of Asian cattle,the gaur and the banteng, have been helped inthis way. Furthermore, cloning can be used toproduce animals that are unable to reproducenaturally, such as mules.