Chapter One An Overview of China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine
Unit One Evolution of China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine
Unit Two Status and Roles of China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine
Unit Three Goals and Tasks of China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine
Unit Four Tasks of Entry-Exitlnspection and Quarantine
Unit Five Procedures of Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine
Chapter Two Inspection and Quarantine Application Unit and Inspection and
Quarantine Application
Unit One Concepts
Unit Two Independent Inspection and Quarantine Declaration Enterprises
Unit Three Inspection and Quarantine Declaration Agency Unit
Unit Four Inspection and Quarantine Reporter
Chapter Three General Stipulation of lnspechon and Quarantine Application
Unit One Inspection and Quarantine Application Scope
Unit Two Entrylnspection and Quarantine Application
Unit Three Exit Inspection and Quarantine Application
Unit Four Amendment and Cancellatio
Unit Five Inspection and Quarantine Reapplication
Unit Six Re-inspection
Unit Seven Special Area of lnspection and Quarantine Application
Unit Eight Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Charging
Unit Nine Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Certificates
Chapter Four Entry & Exitlnspection and Quarantine
Unit One Entry & Exit Animals and Animal Products
Unit Two Inspection and Quarantine Application of Entry & Exit Plants and Plant Products
Unit Three Wooden Packing of Entry Commodities
Unit Four Special Entry & Exit Articles
Unit Five Entry Machinery and Electric Products
Unit Six Entry Automobiles
Unit Seven Inspection and Quarantine Application oflmported Food
Unit Eight Imported Cosmetics Inspection and Quarantine Application
Unit Nine Imported Stone, Medicallnstrument Inspection and Quarantine Applic ation
Unit Ten Entry Waste to Be Used as Raw Materials
Unit Eleven Entry Exhibits
Unit Twelve Goods from Epidemic Areas of lnfectious Disease
Unit Thirteen Appraisal Application of lnspection and Quarantine
Chapter Five Theories and Practice of lnternational Trade
Unit One General Procedures in International Trade
Unit Two Business Communication Essentials
Unit Three Business Stages
Unit Four Contract Clause Consultation
Unit Five Operation of the L/C
Unit Six Summarization of lmportant Theories on International Trade
Chapter Six Exercises of Practice of Inspection Declaration
Inspection and quarantine play an important role in the administration of import and export and a series oflaws supply inspection and quarantine with firm guarantee.
1. Legal status of China entry-exit inspection and quarantine
China entry-exit inspection and quarantine has its systematic law evidence, including the Law of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection, the Law ofthe People's Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine, FrontierHealth and Quarantine Law of the People's Republic of China, Food Hygiene Law of thePeople's Republic of China, the Law on Product Quality of the People's Republic of China,the Law on Metrology of the People's Republic of China, the Standardization Law of thePeople's Republic of China, Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the People'sRepublic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection, Regulations for theImplementation of the Law of the People's Republic of Cluna on the Entry and Exit Animaland Plant Quarantine, Specific Rules for Enforcing the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law ofthe People's Republic of China, Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Certification and Accreditation, Regulations on Origin of Import and Export Goods of the People's Republic of China, Specific Rules for Enforcing the Law on Metrology of the People's Republic of China, Regulations for the Implementation of the Standardization Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulations on Safety Supervision of Special Equipment,Regulations on Certificate for Industrial Products and Inspection Measures on the LandingIn-and Off of Intemational Voyage Shipping on the Ports of the P.R.C. In one word,inspection and quarantine is legal by national laws and the General Administration of QualitySupervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ) is theadministrative organ directly under the State Council of the People's Republic of China. Theinspection and quarantine administration system is vertical. The inspection and quarantine lawis supervised completely. There is no doubt that the comprehensive law system is theenforcement foundation of inspection and quarantine. All the four laws are safeguarded bycompulsory measures, namely, the import and export is controlled by the Customs. Thepresent supervision mode is inspection first and customs declaration followed. Collaborationwith the Customs ensures the effective enforcement of laws. Under the pressure of importcountries, the export country has to fulfill the responsibilities of inspection and quarantine.Finally, in case that contracts stipulate payments and complaints against the presentation ofinspection certificates, neither payment nor complaints can be made without the inspectioncertificates, which play the role of supervision.