中国刑事诉讼法简明讲义(Handbook on Chinese Criminal Procedure Law)
定 价:48 元
- 作者:郑曦
- 出版时间:2022/10/1
- ISBN:9787301334065
- 出 版 社:北京大学出版社
- 中图法分类:D925.2
- 页码:234
- 纸张:
- 版次:1
- 开本:16开
郑曦,北京外国语大学法学院教授、博士生导师。著有《警察暂时性人身限制权研究》《侦查讯问程序研究》《非法证据排除规则的理论与实践》(合著)、The Power of the Police in China: Police Behavior and Human Rights Protection in Criminal Investigation Process等多部著作,在《中国法学》《中外法学》等核心期刊发表论文40余篇,主持国家社会科学基金青年项目、中国法学会部级重点课题、教育部人文社会科学项目等多个项目。
Zheng Xi is a professor and PhD supervisor of Beijing Foreign Studies University Law School. He is the author of many books such as On the Power of Police to Temporarily Restrict Personal Freedom, The Interrogation Process in Criminal Investigation, The Theory and Practice of Exclusion Rule of Illegal Evidence (co-authored), and The Power of the Police in China: Police Behavior and Human Rights Protection in Criminal Investigation Process. He has published more than 40 academic papers in journals indexed in CSSCI, including China Legal Science, Peking University Law Journal and others. He also has led many projects such as Youth Program of The National Social Science Fund of China, Key Project of Ministerial Level Law Research Projects of China Law Society, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Projects of the Ministry of Education.
Chapter One An Overview of Criminal Procedure in China
1.Legislation and Amendment Process of the Existing Criminal Procedure Law
2. Types of cases
3. Litigation stage
4. Litigation principles
Chapter Two Special Organs for Criminal Proceedings and Their Jurisdiction
1. Investigation Organs
2. Public Prosecution Organs
3. People's Courts
4. Executing Organs
5.Jurisdiction System
Chapter Three Participants in Litigation and Their Rights
1. Criminal Suspect and Relevant Defense System
2. The Defendant and Relevant Defense System
3. Victims and Their Rights
4. Witnesses and Their Rights
5.Other Litigation Participants
Chapter Four Restriction on and Deprivation of Freedom of Criminal Suspect and Defendant
1. Forced appearance
2. Bail
3. Residential Confinement
4. Detention
5. Arrest
Chapter Five Pre-Trial Phase
1. Case Filing
2. Investigation
Chapter Six Trial Stages
1. First Instance
2. Second Instance
3. Review of Death Sentences
4. Trial Supervision
Chapter Seven Execution
1. Death Sentence with Immediate Execution
2. Punishment against Liberty
3. Punishment against Property
Chapter Eight Sepcial Procedure
1. Incidental Civil Action
2. Procedures for Juvenile Criminal Cases
3. Procedures for Public Prosecution Cases Where Parties Have Reached Settlement
4. Procedure for Trial in Absentia
5. Confiscation Procedure for Illegal Income in Cases Where the Criminal Suspect or Defendant Escapes or Dies
6. Procedures for Involuntary Medical Treatment of Mental Patients Legally Exempted from Criminal Liabilities